This page is not an official website of Sono Motors. It is a project to raise awareness for the #SaveSion campaign and at the same time show web designers how to create impressive marketing pages for companies in Webflow.
I have created several video tutorials for this landing page on my YouTube channel.
You can also Clone this project for free.
Learn more about me:
The Sion is a brilliant solution to many of the problems the world is facing right now. It contributes to making transportation both sustainable and affordable. It is the energy revolution on wheels.
Learn more about the #SaveSion campaign
Climate change is here, just look out your window. Institutions fail to take responsibility so it’s up to us to stand up and act. We need to move to 100% renewable energies. We need to reinvent mobility. We need everyday solutions. For the masses and not just for the 1%. The Sion is exactly that – the mobility revolution on wheels.
To bring this revolution to the streets we need €104,650,000. Over 7,900 people have already joined our cause, raising more than €40 million and making this campaign one of the biggest worldwide. Their message is clear – climate-friendly solutions are both needed and wanted. Now more than ever.
Together we will continue to fight for a better future. But it’ll take all of us. Yes, you too! Only together can we take this challenge on and show the world that this is what we want and believe in.
Servicio Especializado para tu Chevrolet Onix en Montevideo
¡Servicio Rápido y Confiable!
Solicita tu presupuesto
Ofrecemos mantenimiento preventivo y reparaciones complejas garantizando confianza, calidad y resultados impecables.
Servicios Destacados:
Asegura el rendimiento de tu auto y protege tu inversión.
Especialistas en Chevrolet.
Garantía, profesionalismo y calidad
Repuestos de alta confianza y durabilidad seleccionados para tu Chevrolet, cumpliendo los más altos estándares de calidad.
Atención Personalizada
Nos adaptamos a tus necesidades y tiempos. Informes claros en cada paso para una mejor confianza y transparencia.
Power Sharing makes sharing the energy stored in your Sion easy. Imagine you are on vacation for a month and your car is at home doing nothing. Why not charge your neighbor's car and he is paying you via the Sion app. You decide on how much electricity you are willing to share and at which price.
Design & Development by Jonas Arleth. All images and media content belong to Sono Motors.